Past Exhibitions

Ro Snell, Sorry, 2012, Sage root and hemp, 9 1/2 x 20 x 5 in., Courtesy the Artist. Photo: Wayne McCall

Bloom Projects: Ro Snell, All That is Left

Santa Barbara-based artist Ro Snell has been invited to create a new body of work for Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara’s Fall 2013 iteration…

Marco Pinter, Residual Energy, 2012, Projector, thermal camera, computer, and custom software, Dimensions variable, Courtesy the Artist

Call for Entries 2013

Julia Hickey, M. Helsenrott Hochhauser, Katy McCarthy, Marco Pinter, and Christopher Ulivo Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara showcases five stand-out artists from the tri-counties…

Miya Ando, Daguerreotype Ghost 5, 2012, Dyed aluminum, 36 x 36 in., Edition of 5, Courtesy the Artist

Limuw: An Ode to the Sea

Miya Ando, Jules de Balincourt, Graham Caldwell, Zoe Crosher, Bill Dewey, Kim Fisher, Kimberly Hahn, Emilie Halpern, Mary Heebner, Virginia McCracken, and Raymond Saá Limuw:…

Edgar Orlaineta, Sophie as Kachina (Detail), 2012, Carved walnut, acrylic paint, turned wood from fallen trees, fabric and filter, Dimensions variable, Courtesy the Artist and Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA

Bloom Projects: Edgar Orlaineta, Katsina Horizon

Orlaineta's work focuses on the minutiae of everyday life, thus transforming them into sculptural forms. Inspired by modernist design and its legacy, the artist combines…

Dasha Shishkin, Soft and Entitled (Detail), 2012, Mixed media on mylar, 30 x 42 in., Courtesy the Artist and Zach Feuer Gallery, New York, NY

Dasha Shishkin, erry icket

MCA Santa Barbara is organizing a one-person exhibition by New York-based artist Dasha Shishkin. Presenting new work specifically for MCA Santa Barbara, Shishkin is known…

Petra Cortright, Enchanted Foreststrippersnopoleeasy2girls[1], 2012, (screenshot of).swf file, Dimensions variable, Courtesy the Artist

Things That Turn Your Brains to Mush

David Cooley, Petra Cortright, Yoon Chung Han, Katy McCarthy, Chris Silva, Tellef Tellefson, and Jonny TroynaCulture and language evolve faster than individuals can adapt. From…

Glen Fogel, Video, 2013, Smoke plexi, red mirrored plexi, and magnets, 125 x 14 1/4 in., Courtesy the Artist and Callicoon Fine Arts, New York, NY

Bloom Projects: Glen Fogel, Recent Video

CAF invites New York-based artist Glen Fogel for the next installment of Bloom Projects. Inspired by a recent visit to Santa Barbara, Fogel explores the…

A Handful of Dust

Mark Hagen, Jay Heikes, Matt Hoyt, Erin Shirreff, Ricky Swallow, Zin Taylor, and Allyson VieiraThe notion of “prehistory”—as evidenced in material remains and artifacts—compels us…

Molly Smith, Sure, 2012, Hydrocal, pigment,weight, rocks, and wood, 75 x 4 x 6 in., Courtesy the Artist and Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY

Bloom Projects: Molly Smith, Root

Molly Smith's Bloom Project is a response to her experiences and records from visiting Santa Barbara. Natural matter and found refuse collected during walks and…

Nathan Hayden, you are like a dancing constellation (Detail), 2012, Ink on wall, Dimensions variable, Courtesy the Artist

Open House

Alejandro Diaz, Ann Diener, Stephanie Dotson, Rob Fischer, Francesca Gabbiani, Saul Gray-Hildenbrand, Nathan Hayden, Cyndee Howard, Jennifer Nocon, Zacarias Paul, Luke Stettner, Kirsten Stoltmann, Sandra…