Alexander Bogdanov, Samantha Fretwell, Jae Hee Lee, Ilia Ovechkin, and Rimas Simaitis
CAF showcases five stand-outs from the tri-counties in our annual Call For Entries (CFE) group exhibition, an opportunity that invited the artists to present newly commissioned work in the galleries.
Applicants were selected in Fall 2011 by a panel of distinguished jurors made up of artists and art professionals currently working in the visual arts field including: Grace Kook-Anderson, Curator at Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach, CA; John Spiak, Director/Chief Curator of the California State University, Fullerton, Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, CA; Shane Tolbert, past CFE artist, Houston, TX; and Geoff Tuck, independent art writer, Los Angeles, CA.
Special Thanks to:
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, New York, NY;Casa Magazine, Santa Barbara, CA; The James Irvine Foundation, San Francisco, CA; Jensen Audio Visual, Santa Barbara, CA; Joe LaCorte Design, Santa Barbara, CA; Santa Barbara Independent, CA; Santa Barbara News-Press, CA; and Wayne McCall & Associates, Santa Barbara, CA.