Janna Ireland: True Story Index – Artist Walkthrough and Roundtable Conversation

Janna Ireland: True Story Index - Artist Walkthrough and Roundtable Conversation
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Artist Walkthrough

Janna Ireland
Heather Rasmussen
Manjari Sharma
In Conversation

Artist bios:

Heather Rasmussen is an artist living and working in Los Angeles. Rasmusen received her MFA at Calarts and her BFA at UC Irvine. She choreographs scenes resulting in photographs, sculptures and videos using her own body, plaster casts of her legs and feet, oddly shaped vegetables, mirrors, and collection of possessions that are loaded with personal and historical meaning. Rasmussen’s work can be found in the permanent collections of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA.

Manjari Sharma, raised in Mumbai, India, is an LA-based artist, and her art practice is shaped by her cultural curiosity about the inner landscape of the human mind and its inextricable, elemental, and sacred relationship to ritual, identity, memory, and mythology.. Manjari uses Photography, sound, projection, and collage in her storytelling. Her project 'Darshan' (Published by Nazraeli Press) is a photographic re-imagining of Hindu deities that garnered her wide critical acclaim and can be seen in publications such as The New York Times, Vice Magazine, The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, to name a few. Works from her projects have been published and exhibited internationally, and her work is in the permanent collection of The MET, MFA, Houston, Carlos Museum, Birmingham Museum of Art, and Santa Barbara Museum of Art, amongst various private collections.

We welcome everyone at our events, please contact dgarcia@mcasantabarbara.org for your access needs or special requests.

Todos son bienvenidos a nuestros eventos, por favor de ponerse en contacto con dgarcia@mcasantabarbara.org para sus necesidades de acceso o solicitudes especiales.

  • June 1, 2024
  • 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm


The main galleries of the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara

653 Paseo Nuevo
Santa Barbara CA, 93101

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