Sneak Peek Workshop with desertArtLAB
Come join the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara for a free, bilingual, hands-on art workshop at BiciCentro on Wednesday, October 12, with artists Matt Garcia and April Bojorquez of desert ArtLAB. Bojorquez and Garcia will lead a cacti-planting workshop using leftover cacti clippings from local garden organizations and converting old bike tube boxes from BiciCentro into planters. Participants can pick out a cactus, use vintage maps of California to decorate the boxes, plant their cactus in the box and take it home, all while learning about the incredible properties of native drylands plants. As desertArtLAB says: “These plants take so little, and give so much.”
Established in 2010, desertArtLAB is an initiative dedicated to experimental public art practice exploring connections between ecology, technology, and community.
This workshop is a sneak peek of MCASB’s upcoming 2017 public art initiative, takepart | makeart, which will offer free, bilingual art workshops and programs at outdoor locations around Santa Barbara in partnership with community organizations. As part of this initiative, desertArtLAB will be returning to Santa Barbara to lead a series of public projects in July 2017.
takepart | makeart is supported by funds from The James Irvine Foundation, the California Arts Council, the Towbes Foundation, the Santa Barbara Foundation, and the Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture. For more information on takepart | makeart, please visit this page on our website.